lonestargunrange.net accusion

lonestargunrange.net domain has been recently accured by us.

Please check out the content of OutdoorNinjas.com, and especially gun gear reviews for gun/hunting/shooting professionals and enthusiasts, it is very useful for the auditory of the website that was located at lonestargunrange.net

Here is a quote of some text that was published on old website at lonestargunrange.net before accusion:

Lone star indoor gun range lumberton texas


  • 5 – 25 yard pistol lanes
  • 4 – 50 yard rifle lanes
  • Lane Rental: $15, No gun limit, includes 1 target
  • Additional Shooter Same Lane: $7.50 includes one target
  • Additional Targets: $1 each


  • Memberships: Unlimited use of range, includes one target per day.
  • Individual: 3 months $99, 6 month $195, Year $350.
  • Couple: 3 months $180, 6 month $349, Year $425.
  • Family: 3 months $229, 6 month $379, Year $500.
  • Private Lessons: $35
  • FFL Gun Transfer: $40 per serial # with Texas concealed handgun license $30 per serial #
  • Class 3 Transfer: $50 silencer, $75 machine gun
  • Bore Sight: $10
  • Sight in: $35
  • Pistol Rental: $10 per gun
  • Machine Gun Rental: $30, includes gun , 1 target and 30 rounds.